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Samoyed dog is very friendly and affable but he never loses self-respect, he’s noble. Samoyed dog never shows needless assentation but it’s always full of comprehension and genuine affection for its master, Samoyed dog shadows every change in his mood. Samoyed dog presents a wonderful union of independence and obedience, playfulness and seriousness, friendliness, and self-reliance. Taking into account the vivacity of this “fair-haired angel” you’ll be surprised to feel that Samoyed dog never loses sight of his master and is ready to follow him without any reminding. Samoyed dog is always “smiling” and inspires optimism in everyone around him! A beloved member of every family Samoyed dog has a special affinity for children – it never gets tide of staying with them. He is always ready to play with them, to heat them with his warmth and even to defend them from any danger.
You’ll laugh reading this stuff but… Samoyed dog enjoys CATS! And unlike dogs of the other breeds, it considers cats as partners for games (unfortunately cats often don’t understand it 😉 Through its long history, Samoyed dog earned the the loyalty of all whose lives it has touched.
Are you confused with such an amount of “pluses”? You don’t believe in existing perfect creatures and search for tricks in my words? Please believe me – all my words about the Samoyed dog are true! Some “minuses” you may find here 🙂 What to begin with? (And is it possible to consider these features as “negative” ones?) Firstly, Samoyed dog demands your company all time so that the variant of such dog’s keeping as “to feed it once in the evening and to take it twice for a walk” is unacceptable!
Certainly, if such a situation will occur from time to time intelligent Samoyed dog will understand you, but if you are not going to communicate with your Samoyed dog all the time you spend together (to talk with your Samoyed dog, to comb its ears or simply permit it to lie near you) – choose a dog of some other breed! Secondly, when you’ll return home after work you’ll feel “how long your tender Samoyed dog was waiting for you” from its loud and wild expression of rapture that can be insecure for your ear membranes 😉 (Especially if you are the happy friend of female or young Samoyed dog!) Thirdly this “north horse” has huge forces and you’ll have an excellent chance to experience it on winter morning ice! Hm… What else?! Insuperable interest in squirrels – it’s very strange so far as the Samoyed dog is very friendly to all other animals and birds.
What Family Does Need Samoyed dog And What Family Does Samoyed dog Need?
If you love nature, if you love dogs, if you love life and each other – you’ll become best friends with your Samoyed dog! But remember – when you invite a Samoyed dog into your family, you adopt this dog in the purest sense of the word and you will find yourself adopted in exchange – a Samoyed dog simply cannot understand any other existence. Some people may find such a commitment annoying so think about this before buying a Samoyed dog puppy! Any activity in which the family is participating, whether it be a game or barbecue, cleaning the apartment, or its renewal, Samoyed dog will demand to be in the heart of the action!
This intelligent, tender dog will become an excellent support – a devoted companion for a single person of any age and gender. Samoyed dog will listen to him, Samoyed dog will wait for him and meet him at home, Samoyed dog will accompany him everywhere and “bring him to victories”! Do you have children? Or plan to give birth to a child soon? Great! You may be sure that you have already found the best “nanny” for your babies! Samoyed dog “nurse” will look after baby, guard him and blandly bring him up!
An interesting fact: Samoyed dog is impossible to bite a human! with only one exception – if this human is not trying to do any harm to the Samoyed dog’s master child! Defending master’s children Samoyed dog becomes a wolf! Nobody can do any harm to the master’s baby!
If you already have some other pets or want to take them in the future – don’t worry about it! Samoyed dog is ready to demonstrate miracles of long-suffering in process of arranging good relations with other “four-paws” members of your family!